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Psychosexual Therapy

Many people encounter sexual problems at some point in their lives. Stress, tiredness, illness, family and work pressures, even a new baby can all contribute to sexual problems of one kind or another. It may be a problem you have had for a long time, or it might be something that has developed after a previously good sex life. Consulting a trained and experienced Psychosexual Therapist can help. Psychosexual Therapists are trained counsellors who have undertaken additional training in the physical and psychological issues associated with sexual functioning.

Psychosexual Therapy is conducted with the couple or individual. It starts with a thorough assessment where the specific sexual problem is explored. The couple or individual then works with the therapist, who gives information and homework tasks.

The treatment programme is designed for each individual couple and is recognised by the British Association of Sexual and Relationship Therapy. The therapy itself can take anything between 6 and 20 sessions, depending on the problem, although most commonly it takes about 10 sessions.

Sexual Problems I deal with:-

  • Premature ejaculation
  • Problems with Penetration
  • Sex and Ageing
  • Erectile Problems
  • Fear of having sex
  • Sexual Addiction
  1. Problems of Desire
  2. Painful Intercourse
  3. Difficulty reaching Orgasm
  4. Problems with physical or emotional intimacy

Tel: 07800553054
Email: anne.aitken@tiscali.co.uk.